Jesmond Dene Estate

Residents' Association

Blue House Roundabout Consultation

The consultation run by the Council in 2016 elicited a significant number of responses - mostly negative - to their ideas for Blue House Roundabout, the junctions on Jesmond Dene Road from Blue House Roundabout to the top of Matthew Bank and the proposed roundabout at Haddricks Mill.

As a result of the responses, the Council has set up a working group to look at the current proposals for Blue House Roundabout to Haddricks Mill with a view to picking the best possible solution for these major junctions.

This webpage is being supplied to allow residents to keep up to date on the proposals and to provide feedback and ideas to influence any future proposal. This does not mean that the final solution will be acceptable to all - in fact it is very likely that there will be objections to any future proposal - but it does allow residents to have some sort of a say.

The Association is represented on the working group by Ean MacKellar whom you can email with suggestions relating to this working group by clicking here.

A lot of the first meeting (19th September) was taken up with introductions and relevant groups setting out their positions. Two principles seemed common to all groups:-

  • Encroachment onto the Town Moor land should be limited or, ideally, not happen at all.
  • The safety of all users (road, bike or pedestrian) should be considered and maximised.

Key to the discussions are the following questions:-

  • What sort of City do we want and how should we access it?
  • With more people working from home and better public transport, do we need to cater for the expected growth in car traffic?
  • What are the best/worst aspects to the current traffic layout?
  • What suggestions can you provide to improve the current/proposed traffic flows?

There is to be a public meeting to be held at Newcastle School for Boys on Monday 12th March 2018 - please click on the link below to book your ticket (its free):-

The documents below can be downloaded by clicking on the title. Other documents or links will be added as time progresses.

Working Group Terms of Reference. Note that whilst it is marked draft, it is what the working group is working to.

Connecting Key Junctions Across the City - Public Consultation Results - August

Report of first meeting by Tony Waterstone (Chair JRA)

Link to data provided on the Council's website for this purpose

Leaflet sent to residents September 2016

The survey covering usage of Blue House Roundabout has now closed, but the results of the survey can be found by clicking here.

Page last updated - 7th February 2017